Quiz Game

Quiz Game

Make learning fun with Post-it® Notes.

  • Subject:


  • Topics:

    3rd grade, ESL, game, quiz, Jeopardy

  • Materials:

    6x4 Post-it® Super Sticky Notes - 4 colours

  • Grade Level:

    3rd Grade, ESL

  • Estimated Time:

    20 - 40 minutes

  • Author:

    Janet Faught

  • Quiz Game Supplies
  • 1

    On a whiteboard, chalkboard or wall, set up a grid of Post-it® Super Sticky Notes to match the game board from a popular TV game show. Across the top, write the category names. Then, layer three Post-it® Notes on top of each other. Write the answer on the bottom Post-it® Note, the question on the middle one, and the point value on the top.

    On a whiteboard, chalkboard or wall, set up a grid of Post-it® Super Sticky Notes

  • 2

    Repeat Step 1 using different questions/answers/point values until you “stack” the board. Also, establish an area on the board to collect the points awarded to each team.

    Repeat Step 1

          use different questions/answers/point values

          establish an area on the board to collect awarded points

  • 3

    Next, assign teams. Then demonstrate how to play the game: "I will choose Asia for 10 points." Ask the question, guess the answer and see if it was correct.

  • 4

    Now, begin the game. When a question is answered correctly, move the Post-it® Super Sticky Note containing the point value to the appropriate team’s area on the board.

    Now, begin the game.

  • 5

    When the board is empty, total up the scores from each team’s Post-it® Super Sticky Notes. The team with the most points wins.

    The team with the most points wins

education teachers elementary teacher_activity_center classroom_activities grade_3 esl game quiz jeopardy super_sticky_notes