Grab some Post-it® Arrow Flags and assign each character a colour. So, for example, Hazel gets blue, Augustus gets green, Isaac gets orange and Van Houten gets yellow. Anyone else with a memorable or important quote gets pink.
Now, as you read through the book, just keep your arrow flags with you, and put an arrow flag with the character’s colour in the right spot on the page whenever you come to a quote you like or want to remember.
The good part about this method is that everything’s all in one place for you to find later on, and it’s easy to look back at your favorite parts.
Get a multi-colored pack of Post-it® Notes and assign each character a color, just like in the arrow flag method.
As you read along, write each quote and the page number on the right color note, and either put it on the page where the quote appears, or in your English notebook or folder.