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  4. Saving Money While Grocery Shopping
Saving Money While Grocery Shopping

Saving Money While Grocery Shopping

Did you know? People recognise colour much faster than they can read words. Colour-coding information sends an instant message to your brain.

  • Black-and-white text lists can be overwhelming. For one thing, plain text doesn’t naturally call our brains to attention the way colour does.

    Colour instantly tells the brain to pay attention and it works with our brain’s innate desire to organise information into neat categories. Feeling stressed? Colour-coding can be an easy way to calm that overactive mind.

    Do you normally organise your grocery list by food type or grocery aisle? Try adding colour to your list next time, defining each item by priority. Use one colour for “must-haves,” another for “needs” and another for “wants.” By adding colour to your lists, it can also be a way to more easily prioritise your needs and save money on your next shopping trip!


  • Activity

    Now that you’ve colour-coded your grocery list for the week, try doing the same with other shopping trips, colour-coding items with “must-haves,” “needs” and “wants.” That new royal blue sweater might be screaming your name, but where does it fall on your new colour-coded list?

    How do you use colour to organise your day?
    Share your experience on Facebook and help others gain from your experience!

colour shopping food notes_rio_de_janeiro_collection super_sticky_notes