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  4. Shaping your personality through colour
Shaping your personality through color

Shaping your personality through colour

Four basic personality types correspond with four different colour families. Purposeful, competitive types prefer red, mellow and caring souls seek out green, sociable smooth-talkers live in yellow, and cautious, deliberate sorts are cool blue to the core.

  • Colour is part of our lifelong habit of taking in nonverbal information. From songs, books, movies, and stories, we are taught to associate different colours with particular meanings.

    Think of green. Depending on the context, it could convey wealth, jealousy, rejuvenation, or environmentalism. That’s a lot of messages!

    Some theorize that people can be separated into four distinct colour groups corresponding to four personality types. In this schema, yellow personalities are motivated by fun, blue by relationships, white by non-confrontation, and red by power.

    Even car companies take note of the fact that colour choice says something interesting about the customer. Black is the most popular colour for luxury vehicles, while silver strikes the right note for buyers keen on innovation.

    Look at your car, your office, your stuff, your wardrobe—and do a mental inventory of the messages you’re sending out. Not being taken seriously? Those cheering yellows and oranges might be branding you as “fun,” while mixing in more black in might tip you into “ferocious."


  • Get to know your colour personality

    Your personality can often be reflected by your favorite colour palettes. Discover your “colour personality” by choosing which set of colours you best identify with.

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