Scientists have proven that light outside the visible spectrum affects our bodies, which is why light therapy is used to treat skin conditions like jaundice and psoriasis. They also know our mental states can be affected by light on the visible spectrum—colour. For a mix of biological and cultural reasons, changes in colour create changes in mood.
Take the colours associated with fire—reds, yellows, oranges. These are “hot” colours and create an alert, energized mindset. Now imagine the colours associated with the sea and sky—blues, purples, and greens. These are “cool” colours, which bring calm and tranquility.
But beware. Too much red can lead to tension and anger. The wrong kinds of blues and greens can set off feelings of inertia or depression.
The key is to identify the moods and colours in operation and examine how you feel about them. Maybe your blue bathroom is perfect for the few calm moments you spend alone in it, but your blue family room feels too cold to be a cozy hang out space. Throw up some sunny yellow curtains and orange artwork, and recheck your mood!
Believe it or not, colours can have a significant effect on your mood — both short- and long-term. Learn which colours best reflect your mood by selecting the colour palette that you find most captivating.